And he is Us
I read early this morning about a shooting at a mall in Kansas City this past Sunday afternoon… A few people are dead, including the gunman.
Just two weeks ago, a student at Virginia Tech, shot and killed at least 30 students before turning his bullet launcher on himself. (If this had been in Iraq, he’d have been referred to by our media as a “Suicide Bomber”… an “Insurgent”, if you will. )

I live and work about 15 minutes from a not-so-cozy area here in south Florida known as Riviera Beach, where there is literally …and hardly a week that goes by that you don’t read about yet another murder or two in that town. The chances are better than average that as you drive through Riviera Beach at night that you will hear the strains of the local “Insurgents” battling it out in the streets, if not actually see people running across Broadway with their heads down, trying to escape the madness. And yes, I have seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, which is precisely the reason I no longer short-cut that route to North Palm Beach.
In the past three years, I can’t even begin to recount the number of news stories coming out of this part of town involving innocents just walking down the street and suddenly taken down by random gunfire, or gutted by a hunter's knife; or the many children strapped into their car seats – devices, ironically, that were designed to offer these precious youngsters some degree of safety – just snuffed out.
When I read about these things my heart is poured out to parents and family. But even more so, my heart goes out to all of us; to society as a whole. These mindless, guideless freaks and predators, who would unconsciously, and instantly choose to take the life of a child, and all of that potential for good, rather than to even consider that there might be… nay… MUST be a better way.
In contrast, I think about someone the likes of Gen. Colon Powell - who stood before the United Nations, in a mad rush for approval to make war with a country that not only did NOT attack us, but did not possess even the mere capability to attack us – pointing out, with stern and grave visage, the aerial photos depicting what appeared to be trailers, mobile launch sites for delivering their horrible "Weapons of Mass Destruction”.

"We must act NOW.", he warned.
“If we do not fight them (whoever ‘them’ are) over THERE we will fight them over HERE.”, our president has said repeatedly. The ‘THEM’ in this case, incidentally, seem to be nothing more than native Iraqis fighting for power and turf.
So let me just see if I have this straight now: We were going to “fight them over THERE” to protect our Liberty and Way of Life, so that we would not have to “Fight them over HERE.”
And yet somehow, despite all the ranting I hear from Washington, I still do not feel one bit safer HERE in the streets of my own country than I did 5 years ago – for the simple reason that I am not any safer.
All this time in Iraq now, untold thousands of our best and brightest sacrificed… wasted,,, the billions of dollars spent (and profited, I might add), and all the other losses along with it... I know we’ve all heard those various losses mentioned over and over and so I won’t bore you with the list - and yet I STILL do not feel safe enough HERE to drive down the center boulevard of Riveria Beach.
There is evidence which now Demands a verdict showing clearly that they are already fighting HERE, and have been for quite some time; seeking to destroy what little sense of Liberty we once took for granted – and along with it our “Way of Life”.
(And they don’t wear turbans, or ride camels or any of the other stereotypical B.S. that our elected hate mongers would have us believe)
It may sound Uber Cliché, but I think we have met the enemy, Mr. President –
and darned if he doesn’t look exactly like us.

(Actual White House Photos ^)

Just two weeks ago, a student at Virginia Tech, shot and killed at least 30 students before turning his bullet launcher on himself. (If this had been in Iraq, he’d have been referred to by our media as a “Suicide Bomber”… an “Insurgent”, if you will. )

I live and work about 15 minutes from a not-so-cozy area here in south Florida known as Riviera Beach, where there is literally …and hardly a week that goes by that you don’t read about yet another murder or two in that town. The chances are better than average that as you drive through Riviera Beach at night that you will hear the strains of the local “Insurgents” battling it out in the streets, if not actually see people running across Broadway with their heads down, trying to escape the madness. And yes, I have seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, which is precisely the reason I no longer short-cut that route to North Palm Beach.
In the past three years, I can’t even begin to recount the number of news stories coming out of this part of town involving innocents just walking down the street and suddenly taken down by random gunfire, or gutted by a hunter's knife; or the many children strapped into their car seats – devices, ironically, that were designed to offer these precious youngsters some degree of safety – just snuffed out.
When I read about these things my heart is poured out to parents and family. But even more so, my heart goes out to all of us; to society as a whole. These mindless, guideless freaks and predators, who would unconsciously, and instantly choose to take the life of a child, and all of that potential for good, rather than to even consider that there might be… nay… MUST be a better way.
In contrast, I think about someone the likes of Gen. Colon Powell - who stood before the United Nations, in a mad rush for approval to make war with a country that not only did NOT attack us, but did not possess even the mere capability to attack us – pointing out, with stern and grave visage, the aerial photos depicting what appeared to be trailers, mobile launch sites for delivering their horrible "Weapons of Mass Destruction”.

"We must act NOW.", he warned.
“If we do not fight them (whoever ‘them’ are) over THERE we will fight them over HERE.”, our president has said repeatedly. The ‘THEM’ in this case, incidentally, seem to be nothing more than native Iraqis fighting for power and turf.
So let me just see if I have this straight now: We were going to “fight them over THERE” to protect our Liberty and Way of Life, so that we would not have to “Fight them over HERE.”
And yet somehow, despite all the ranting I hear from Washington, I still do not feel one bit safer HERE in the streets of my own country than I did 5 years ago – for the simple reason that I am not any safer.
All this time in Iraq now, untold thousands of our best and brightest sacrificed… wasted,,, the billions of dollars spent (and profited, I might add), and all the other losses along with it... I know we’ve all heard those various losses mentioned over and over and so I won’t bore you with the list - and yet I STILL do not feel safe enough HERE to drive down the center boulevard of Riveria Beach.
There is evidence which now Demands a verdict showing clearly that they are already fighting HERE, and have been for quite some time; seeking to destroy what little sense of Liberty we once took for granted – and along with it our “Way of Life”.
(And they don’t wear turbans, or ride camels or any of the other stereotypical B.S. that our elected hate mongers would have us believe)
It may sound Uber Cliché, but I think we have met the enemy, Mr. President –
and darned if he doesn’t look exactly like us.

(Actual White House Photos ^)

Labels: Social/Political Commentary
Nice post, babe. How are you?
Lol - it's Jenny, btw.
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Well well well...OK, you got me started now Little Mister.. The commments next to Colin Powel's pic. Sorry but you are wrong on the "native sandni...I mean native Iraq ppl". Nope, the overwhelming majority are NOT from Iraq but from Iran, Turkey, Saudi, and very where else. As for our troops, yes, my heart too goes out to them and their families but if it was NOT for them we would NOT be standing on 25% of the world's light crude oil. Bush, like him or not, has given us 20 years to figure out what we are going to do with it. OH..OH...let's not forget about the Russians. What is it they want more than anything in this world? Answer; a warm water port for the naval fleet and guess who has that perfect port? Answer; Iran. Now, for when (not "if" but "when") Russia decides to set their foot over there I sure am glad that Bush already has us standing and waiting. It's going to happen, it's just when is it going to happen.....All in the name of Oil. We are there because we have to be....something those liberals and democraps can't understand...then again my probably do but just don't want to admit that they are wrong...hell, they live off emotions anyways.. fingers are tired, just be glad, Pookie, that it's not a voice recording I could leave...LOL LOL LOL
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