Aaannd ... STAY Out!!

Rapture is fine, then it's smoke up the chimney
A law suit is longer by far..
How Glorious were your 12 years in Congress
Compared to the Thirty Years' War
Toothaches, deep-rooted.. but bliss, it's a rover
A time comes to bid it so long...
For it's better that something should be good and over
Than rotten, and still going strong.
How sweet were the moments when you were in clover
Sometimes you don't know 'til they're gone...
So celebrate late companions 'cause that is what they did...
And live for wine....persons.... and song.
And I VOTED for you!!
You had 12 years in which to honor the original intent of the Founding Fathers, restore liberty, decrease the size and scope of government and federal control over our lives. In that time you nearly Doubled Government Spending. TWELVE years to stem the flow ... actually, the INVASION of immigrants, pouring across our border - the cascading, torential waterfall of illegals eating away at our wallets to the tune of 60 billion - WITH A "B" - dollars a year. Monies we could have, and would loved to have used for funding our own retirments, sending our children to college, vacation and travel, supporting our own favorite charities rather than the ones that are forced down our throats by an all-powerful, imperial federal government.
You allowed and funded a completely MAD Commander-in-Thief to go to war based on the false premise "They have Weapons of Mass Destruction". He landed on the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln (ironically, namesake for the president we reverently call "Honest Abe") in a Flight Suit (Funny, he could find that flight suit NOW, that he is no longer needed in the Texas Air National Guard - o well) to arrogantly declare in front of all the world and that big, block-letter sign to see:
"Mission Accomplished".
And now three years later there are still 50 - 100 of our troops dying there every month.
This is the man who stood on top of the crumbling, still-smoking remains of the World Trade Center with a bullhorn declaring "I hear you, America... and soon, the people who knocked these towers down will hear you..." Only a year later to be seen on national television, in a prime-time interview when asked about the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden: "So I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you." (White House press conference, March 13, 2002) Yup... they hear us loud and clear, sir... they hear us snoring.
Regarding those weapons of mass destruction: Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, actually said (and I've heard these words coming out of his mouth) ".... not only do they have them, but we know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." (May 30, 2003 - ABC Interview)
The Vice Commander-in-Thief actually said more than a year ago: "I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." (May 30, 2005 - Larry King Live). Looking back now, a statement so bizarre I cannot wrap my mind around it.
Scandal after scandal... while the party of the supposed Moral High Ground completely went to sleep... And brushed off the concerns of the electorate as you might brush the dust from your coat sleeve. For TWELVE years...
So what DID you do with all this time...? We know what you DIDN't do ... so the question now must center around what you did do. So you instead focused on probably the most pivotal issues of our, or any other time. You chose the road less traveled... and made the TOUGH decisions. I mean, any wimp could have chosen the road to war against a country which did not attack us, nor had they the capability.
Nope... you instead chose to champion those two essential causes most central to maintaining our liberty and way of life: Gay Marriage and Flag Burning.
Whew! I simply cannot tell you how much better I sleep now that our duly elected representatives, in the aftermath of the destruction of two of our most revered cultural symbols, The World Trade Center and the Pentagon, took up the causes of Gay Marriage and Flag Burning??!! (I know, I know, someone will bring up the fact that I didn't want them to go to war and that this particular paragraph sounds like they didn't focus enough on war. HINT: Osama bin Ladin was NOT from Iraq.
And on and on it goes - Look.. I'm NOT anti-Republican - at least not in the literal sense or the true spirit of the word. But what I am against is Elected Officials who hold a sacred, public trust and swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States looking me square in the eye and lying. And while I KNOW beyond the shadow of any doubt, this next bunch will do exactly the same - But at least (most of) the former thugs in pinstripe are no longer receiving a check every month funded from my paystub.
To hear people like Limp.baugh and Neal Boortz (once actually heroes of mine) talking as though the American people have really done it now... These supposedly smart, learned men who failed, at least from the view of this eye, to understand that it is NOT the voters who didn't get it - but the failed band of miscreants in Washington who left us no choice.
And that, as Forrest Gump would say, is all I got to say about that.
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